
Fun Typing Practice with Blue Snake Series in Korean

The Blue Snake Resurrected in 3.5 Dimensions

The "Blue Snake" series consists of seven engaging stories with diverse themes, helping you learn rich expressions and expand your Korean vocabulary. Additionally, an English version is available, allowing you to enjoy and compare the content in both languages.
Thanks to the creativity and uniqueness of these seven stories, you can practice reading and typing multiple times without feeling bored. This is a fantastic opportunity to enhance your language skills in a fun and effective way.
My body fades, dimming bit by bit, until I eventually dissolve back into nothing but a blue hue.

Long Sentence Practice - 장문 연습 푸른 뱀, AI 창작 동화 (2025)

Hancom Taja offers a total of seven AI-generated fairy tales (푸른 뱀, AI 창작 동화), with content appearing randomly. If you want to practice with a different story, simply refresh the page.
Practice these unique fairy tales, created through a collaboration between AI and Hancom Taja. Enjoy fresh and engaging stories suitable for both children and adults.
Click on the Globe icon to change the language.
Share the Blue Snake story with your friends, or create new versions in your own way. Doing so will help you learn faster and develop your language skills more comprehensively.

The 장문 연습 menu under 타자 연습 for Korean letters

If the website is in English, you can change the language to Korean by clicking the Earth icon on the right side of the website. The menus under 타자 연습 (Typing practice) are 자리 연습 (Key location), 단어 연습 (Typing words), 단문 연습 (Typing sentences), and 장문 연습 (Typing stories) in order.

푸른 뱀, AI 창작 동화(2025)

3.5차원에서 부활한 푸른 뱀 타닥타닥, 키보드 소리가 날 때마다 나의 외곽선이 그려지고 몸은 푸른빛으로 채워져. 그러다 마침내 나는 한 마리의 뱀으로 완성되지! 네가 타이핑을 멈추면 나의 몸은 점점 희미해지고, 결국에는 쪽빛으로 돌아가 버릴 거야. 그러니 멈추지 마!
With every tap-tap, my outline is drawn, my body fills with vibrant blue light, and eventually, I fully materialize as a snake. If you stop typing, my body fades, dimming bit by bit, until I eventually dissolve back into nothing but a blue hue. So, don't stop!
Hancom Taja for online typing practice for free You can practice online typing without signing in. Yet, once you sign up for Hancom Taja and engage in online typing, you can track and review your typing skills improvement or usage history.